Web Services Admin

Web Services Admin is the location where administrators can register custom built web services or .NET objects that can be used to test or enforce business logic. From the Web Services area administrators can register and delete web service registrations with VisualVault.

Our customers have used Web Services for the following reasons:

  1. Insure that correct data was entered on a form.

  2. Complete custom processing against documents for maintenance purposes.

  3. Schedule jobs to initiate notifications when forms are in certain states.

  4. Calculate values based upon what a user entered on a form.

For more information on how to create a Web Service, look on our support web site for white papers on this topic.

Registering a Web Service

To register a Web Service, complete the following steps:

  1. Setup the web services or DLL in a location accessible to the VisualVault server.

  2. Log in to VisualVault as a VaultAccess type user.

  3. Navigate to Control Panel - Enterprise Tools - Web Services.

  4. Select Add Outside Process.

  5. Key in the process name.

  6. Key in a description.

  7. Select the type of process (Form, Scheduled, Query, Authentication, or Session End).

  8. Select the type of process (Web Service or Assembly).

  9. Key in the file path or URL to the process.

  10. Select the test link to insure the process is registered and working at a basic level.

  11. Select Save.

Deleting a Web Service

Be careful when deleting an outside process. Make sure it is not being used in known, critical business processes.

To delete a Web Service, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to VisualVault as a VaultAccess type user.

  2. Navigate to Control Panel - Enterprise Tools - Web Services.

  3. Select the check box next to the Outside Process.

  4. Select Delete Selected Processes.