Advanced Tools

VisualVault offers advanced functionality that you may find useful. This section provides brief descriptions and links to more detailed information about these tools.

Locations - Also referred to as "Sites", Locations in VisualVault allow you to segregate user accessibility based on Companies, Customers, or Suppliers.

Database Connections - Provide an area for administrators to define lists of data that can be displayed on index fields, form fields, or other custom sources within VisualVault.

Drop Down List Administration
- An area where reusable lists of information can be created for use in index fields or form drop down lists.

Web Services Administration
- The location where administrators can register custom built web services or .NET objects that can be used to test or enforce business logic.

Scheduled Processes Administration - Used to execute a web service at a given time interval.

Email Template Administration - Email Templates are used in VisualVault when email notifications are sent to the user based upon some action that is happening within the application. Administrators can change settings from this area.

Module Administration - Represents a grouping of default and custom controls made to interface with VisualVault, or other outside systems.

Page Administration - This feature allows VisualVault Administrators the capability to add custom pages into VisualVault that help direct users through or into the companies business processes implemented in VisualVault.