Ease of Use Will Drive
Your Success

The Value of Contextual Presentation. Why It’s Important.

In short, it's important because it provides a dramatically better experience for the user by delivering the information they need based upon the needs of the user and the unique use case. Of course, this requires customization which can be achieved with VisualVault's easy-to-configure personal portals and dashboards. And a better user experience leads to higher levels of production and greater productivity.


Success Hinges on Adoption

Users want to be able to find information and use it to inform or complete a task -- and then do it again and again throughout the day. The easier and faster it is to find and use information, the more likely users will be to embrace the new platform. Simplicity = Adoption.


Adoption of the VisualVault Solution

The concept of contextual presentation is to group documents and data in a straightforward and intuitive manner and present users with exactly what they need to see based upon their query. The more intuitive and straightforward the process, the better.

VisualVault is easily customized for users – whether internal or external -- to see only the content and data that is related to them and their specific search criteria. Contextual presentation of related content, based upon metadata searches, is a key to the successful adoption rate enjoyed by VisualVault clients on a global basis.


VisualVault takes contextual presentation to the next level by utilizing individualized dashboards with work-specific tabs, reports and sub-sections to allow users to customize the way they search and view their daily work.

Additionally, VisualVault dashboards provide users a personalized window to follow their specific content through the various workflow stages enabling them to self-serve and reduce the number of status update inquiries.

This use of portals and individualized dashboards also establishes time saving, self-service capability for external users. Users log in and immediately view where their “item” is in the workflow process eliminating the need to call to obtain a status update and exponentially improving the users’ satisfaction with the process. A user portal, configured and contextually presented to an external constituent is a reality with VisualVault.


Contextual Presentation Beyond Search

The concept of Contextual Presentation is not limited to retrieval of content and data but also extends to the interactions with constituents, service providers, vendors and other third parties who submit data to your organization through static forms today. VisualVault iForms enable clients to design interactive forms that change context based upon live sessions of input. Our clients are able to design forms that replicate the actual use of the application screens themselves. And the business rule logic running in the background enables the form to interpret responses and, on the fly, intelligently change subsequent fields to assure the data collected is accurate, relevant, and ready to auto populate a line of business application.

An example of the above-described technology is a state agency issuing and managing service provider licenses. Based upon the initial checkbox of services, the form changes and presents only the questions related to those services available to the individual. Intelligent forms eliminate user confusion, reduce support calls to the agency, increases provider satisfaction, increase the accuracy rate of responses and reduce the cost to process a license request.

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