VisualVault delivers the combination of innovative SaaS Business Process Automation (BPA) solutions with pioneering Community Licensing to change service delivery and enable state and local governments to advance modernization strategies. This innovative model transforms the way governments operate and serve.


Our highly configurable, multi-tenant platform provides the breadth and depth of functionality without the complexity that increases the time and cost of implementations and future upgrades. And, Actionable Analytics provide leadership with a powerful tool to generate real-time views into organizational performance and productivity.



Marijuana Registry and Seed to Sale

Marijuana RegistryVisualVault’s SaaS platform offers oversight organizations a complete solution to manage all aspects of marijuana medical and recreational programs. Licensing, compliance/inspection/enforcement, dispensary operations, revenue collection and processing along with systems integration and third-party interaction/collaboration are all components of the VisualVault solution.

Alcohol/Liquor Licensing & Compliance

Icon_AlcoholThe complexity involved in the regulation of this important program aligns with VisualVault’s ability to manage multi-tiered product sets. Licensing and renewals, inspections, assignment of territories, submitting price postings, etc. become automated tasks and are completed in minutes. Additionally, real-time analytics are presented directly to individual dashboards to increase visibility into all program KPI information while the automation of reporting reduces staff workloads and improves data accuracy.

Service Requests Through Complaint Management

Service requestCitizens deserve a user experience that is intuitive and responsive, not like the 1980s model of submitting documentation through a blind portal or email attachment. VisualVault transforms the entire complaint process experience into a self-service model available 24/7/365. An iForm complaint form captures all the required data. Workflow routes the initial complaint to the triage step. Validated complaints are automatically assigned a case number and all participants are notified of new activity requirements. 

VisualVault’s case management functions kick-in to ensure each complaint is processed properly; culminating in a determination/decision. With VisualVault, complaints become a tool for departments to use in order to assure the quality of services and care is being delivered properly, and to the level the state/county requires.



The importance of the programs and oversight that state departments provide seniors is imperative to help improve the quality of life for many who need assistance. The strategic decision to modernize the client information and registration management system (CIRTS) is a mission-critical step toward improving the ability to meet your service goals and help a greater number of those most in need.

When a senior (or someone on behalf of the senior) looks for help, it is a highly personal experience. The information provided is painstakingly presented in the hope of receiving help. To arrive emotionally and intellectually at this point is often difficult for the individual who must admit they need assistance, while the experience of family caregivers is often one of frustration with the difficulty of finding and accessing assistance. The process to receive help can be a difficult journey. VisualVault understands the unique nature of aging programs and the customer population of the most vulnerable among us. 

In short, VisualVault’s platform creates a new normal in aging programs by automating client registration, onboarding, management, reporting processes, etc. The combination of our flexible platform, our ability to extend the system to engage the entire user community, and our seasoned team makes the VisualVault solution the best value – one that state aging programs and seniors deserve.



Icon_enrollmentWhen you look at the distribution of staff resources, you will see an inordinate number assigned to the front end of your business processes. Programs involved in enrollments, licensing, permitting, compliance and oversight all have large volumes of inbound data and supporting documentation that require staff to work before the information is ready to be processed. VisualVault’s intelligent iForms, business rules and workflows automate these front-end staff intensive tasks freeing each to address higher-value activities.


Icon_Child supportEarly Steps to Family Services child welfare programs are critical for children and families to live their lives to the fullest. Ensuring that these programs are executed in a manner that optimizes the intended benefits is a central objective when attempting to make sure that children are afforded the proper resources in their formative years. These critical programs reach a greater number of individuals and provide richer care plans when automation is applied to manual activities. VisualVault’s SaaS configurable platform is designed to support multiple agencies and programs, enabling all to perform more efficiently and effectively for the betterment of those most in need.


Icon_Case managementVisualVault’s configurable Case Management platform organizes and coordinates the network of formal and informal activities, services, and support efforts designed to optimize the well-being of the individuals and families served. VisualVault Case Management provides a single point of truth enabling all involved to access the system and perform required work at any time of day. Self-service becomes the norm with VisualVault. 


Icon_Provirer managementFor departments/agencies that license and oversee service providers, the amount of resources involved in the licensing, renewal, inspection and compliance processes consumes an inordinate amount of staff time that could be focused on client-facing activities and service delivery. VisualVault initially focuses on the need to automate supporting processes to reduce staff work while transforming the user experience.

Licensing and renewals are expedited using dynamic iForm applications to enable an intuitive approach to capture all information. Renewing a license is streamlined by pre-populating renewal forms with data previously submitted. Workflows speed the review and approval process while dashboards and reports provide a new level of processes and performance transparency. And, field inspections and the creation of deficiency reports and corrective action plans are automated with the VisualVault solution.

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